Connecticut Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

We want the best care for our elderly loved ones. When we entrust their care to a nursing home or other facility, we expect the caregivers to provide what our loved ones need. The sad truth is that this doesn’t always happen.

If your loved one has suffered at the hands of caretakers at a nursing home or care facility, a Connecticut personal injury lawyer can help you get justice. The nursing home abuse lawyers at Gould Injury Law in Connecticut are here to help speed up the process. We want to make sure you get compensation fast.

Our law firm understands personal injury and elder abuse laws and will get you the legal help you need—and fast! Call our nursing home abuse lawyers in Connecticut at 888-WIN-FAST or fill out the online form for a free consultation with a lawyer.

Gould Injury Law Attorneys

If You Think Your Loved One Suffered Abuse or Neglect

If you think your elderly loved one has been mistreated, it’s important to know what signs to look for. At Gould Injury Law, we know how important it is to get the justice your loved one deserves quickly. If you see signs of mistreatment by a nursing home or care facility, you should speak with an attorney immediately.

Our experienced, fast-working lawyer will soon be able to determine whether or not you have a case. Please read on to discover the different types of mistreatment that may take place in a nursing home or care facility, and then contact us as soon as possible.

Physical abuse

The most blatant type of mistreatment that can occur in a nursing home is physical abuse. This includes acts of violence which injure the elderly person. Physical abuse may also involve outright hitting or more subtle mistreatment, like the inappropriate use of physical restraints.

If you suspect your loved one has suffered physical mistreatment at the hands of a caregiver, look for these signs:

  • Bruises
  • Broken bones
  • Sprains
  • Signs of restraint
  • Reports of medication overuse or under-use
  • Cuts or injuries which are in various stages of healing

It’s important to note that, in a nursing home case, the signs of physical abuse may not always be easy to spot. A lawyer can help you recognize the subtle signs.

For example,

  • A sudden change in behavior
  • Broken glasses or dentures
  • Not being allowed to see the person without the caregiver present

If you believe that your loved one may have suffered mistreatment at a care facility, you owe it to him or her to speak to an attorney who will handle the case fast. Contact Gould Injury Law to speak with an experienced attorney who can help protect your loved one with speed and urgency.

Not all mistreatment is as clear as physical abuse. Other kinds of abuse also take place in nursing homes.

Sexual abuse

Any sexual contact including unwanted touching, rape, or forced nudity constitutes sexual abuse. If there are physical signs that sexual assault took place, it’s important to find out from the elderly person what happened.

Emotional abuse

A caregiver may be engaging in emotional abuse by insulting, threatening, humiliating, or harassing the elderly person. Emotional mistreatment can cause great psychological damage. Especially if the abuser isolates the patient from his or her family. The abuser may also try to keep the patient from friends or regular activities.

When looking for signs of emotional abuse, look out for changes in behavior. Notice if the person becomes non-communicative, acts upset, is paranoid, or behaves unusually.

Financial abuse

Financial abuse is the improper or illegal use of a person’s money, funds, or property. For example, a caregiver might forge a patient’s signature. It also includes stealing their possessions or money. Some abusers even convince or trick a person into signing financial documents.

Signs of financial abuse include:

  • Changes in bank accounts
  • Unexplained withdrawals of large amounts
  • Additional names on bank accounts or cards
  • Abrupt changes in end-of-life plans
  • Missing valuables
  • Unpaid bills despite available funds
  • Payment for unnecessary services or procedures


Besides outright abuse, elder mistreatment can include neglect and abandonment. Nursing home neglect is the failure to provide basic necessities such as food, clothing, and medical care. Neglected older ones may show signs of dehydration, malnutrition, pressure injuries, poor hygiene, or unsanitary living conditions.

If your loved one has suffered nursing home neglect, he or she deserves justice. A Connecticut nursing home neglect lawyer can help. By seeking compensation, you can help ensure that this doesn’t happen at that facility again.


Abandonment is the desertion of a patient at a hospital, nursing facility, or other public location. This happens when a person entrusted to care for the elderly one in a physical or a legal capacity abandons his or her responsibility.

If your loved one was abandoned by one of the Connecticut nursing homes’ staff, this is a matter for an attorney. The first step you want to take is to call a trusted nursing home abuse lawyer.

What to Do If Your Loved One was Abused

If you have a loved one in a Connecticut nursing home or care facility, you expect that their needs are being met. When you find out that the opposite is true, you may feel saddened and overwhelmed. It is important to get help quickly.

Even if he or she is no longer in that dangerous situation, you and your family still deserve justice for what you have suffered. The Connecticut nursing home must also be held accountable. A lawyer can help you do that. It’s important to speak to an attorney with experience in nursing home abuse cases as soon as possible.

Connecticut Nursing Home Abuse Cases

In Connecticut, personal injury cases for elder or nursing home abuse can only be pursued for 2 years after the incident. That’s why it’s so important to get legal help–fast! At Gould Injury Law, our nursing home abuse lawyers take pride in having our client’s best interests at heart. If your loved one was the victim of nursing home abuse, we want to help you.

We know that you and your loved ones need the compensation that you deserve from your case to live your best lives going forward. That’s why our lawyers are committed to helping you, faster than the other guys. Each and every attorney in our law firm wants to get you justice fast. Call us today for a free consultation to get started on your Connecticut nursing home abuse case.

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