Connecticut Wrongful Death Lawyer

Negligence and the reckless actions of an individual or corporation can jeopardize the safety of others, resulting in wrongful death. Sadly, wrongful death can occur anywhere, anytime, due to anything from auto and workplace accidents to medical complications and public safety hazards.

When you lose a family member or loved one, it is devastating and heartbreaking. Your life can be altered by mental anguish and stress of worrying about medical and funeral expenses, along with lost and future income. Meanwhile, it is disheartening to see how difficult it can be to prove fault and hold the responsible party accountable. Time can’t move fast enough to get past this difficult stage.

We understand that a lawsuit is the last thing on your mind when grieving with the loss of a loved one. However, if your family member or loved one passed away due to the negligent actions of someone else or an entity, you feel a sense of injustice. Filing a wrongful death claim with a fast-working legal team may help you bring closure sooner and feel justice was served without delay

The wrongful death attorneys at Gould Injury Law feel for you and your family. We believe you deserve justice, and we are ready and waiting to help you determine if you have a wrongful death case. We know the Connecticut wrongful death law, and our legal team has decades of experience that allows us to work faster than other firms can.

Who can be Held Accountable for a Wrongful Death Claim

Any person, company, or corporation can be held accountable if their negligence caused an accident or injury that resulted in death. Whether it is intentional or by accident, someone is at fault.

We will handle your wrongful death claim by:

  • Meeting in a free initial consultation to obtain all information and why you believe you may have a claim
  • Retrieving all medical records, reports, and substantial evidence surrounding the circumstances that led up to your loved one’s death
  • Interviewing medical professionals and eyewitnesses to obtain additional documentation
  • Filing all paperwork to start your legal case quickly
  • Fulfilling all legal responsibilities to bring you a judgment or settlement quickly
  • Protecting your rights throughout the legal process

Our goal is to prove the defendant acted in a way that was negligent, and that these actions caused the death of your loved one.

Going up against large insurance companies and corporations can be scary. These entities have more resources than the general public, so many are afraid to fight them. But our attorneys will help you build a strong case and present it to the judge and jury to win compensation fast.

We fight for you and do not give up easily. We understand that the quicker your case settles, the faster your life can get back to normal. Contact us when you need a fast justice partner on your side, at 888-WIN-FAST.

Connecticut Law on Wrongful Death Cases

Many different types of wrongful death situations are caused by another person or entity. Like other states, Connecticut statutes control and determine wrongful death cases. The Connecticut law only allows the executor or personal representative of the decedent’s estate to file the claim.

The court determines how to disperse the estate according to the decedent’s will. This includes damages recovered in a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit. If there is no will at the time of death, the court will appoint a personal representative.

The Gould Injury Law wrongful death lawyers understand how difficult this time is for you. We know you can’t wait any longer than necessary to see justice done, so we work as fast as possible to win your case. What’s more, we will guide you through Connecticut’s wrongful death law and help you understand the process.

If you have lost a family member and suspect negligence, don’t wait too long to start a wrongful death claim. The statute of limitations can quickly expire. Contact one of our wrongful death lawyers today at 888-WIN-FAST to determine if negligence is to blame.

Types of Wrongful Death Claims We Handle

Wrongful death lawsuits are civil actions filed in court when a person died because of negligence or wrongful conduct. Almost any type of accident or activity can result in wrongful death, including:

Many variables can cause wrongful death, and the above list is not exhaustive. When you need a lawyer that works fast and seeks justice for you, Gould Injury Law is there. Contact one of our Connecticut wrongful death lawyers today to pursue financial compensation. We are available 24/7 and are awaiting your call at 888-WIN-FAST.

Compensation for Wrongful Death

An injury includes bodily harm, property damage, and lost opportunities in the future. There are several types of compensatory damages that the claimant may seek in a civil lawsuit. Damages fall into two categories: pecuniary and non-pecuniary damages.

Pecuniary damages

Pecuniary damages are damages with an easy-to-identify financial amount. These include:

  • Medical costs
  • Lost wages
  • Future long-term care costs
  • Physical or property damage

Non-pecuniary damages
Non-pecuniary damages tend to be harder to quantify in monetary terms because they are subjective. These include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Impairment of life
  • Deteriorating or impairment of relationships
  • Impairment or loss of mental and physical abilities
  • Lost future income

To determine the non-pecuniary damages you are due, the court considers the extent to which a survivor was financially dependent on the deceased and also:

  • Amount of money the deceased earned before the accident and lost earning capacity
  • Effect of loss of companionship on the filing party
  • Medical, hospital, and funeral expenses incurred by the survivors related to the deceased
  • Permanent or partial disabilities that affected the victim’s day-to-day activities until death

For someone inexperienced with wrongful death claims, the legal system can be confusing. We want to make this as easy on you as possible. You need an experienced wrongful death attorney to determine who was negligent and what compensation is fair to help recover damages, pain, and suffering. We will build that case and take it to court to prove your right to compensation.

If you lost a loved one due to wrongful actions or negligence and are a beneficiary, you may be entitled to monetary compensation. In this case, you need the wrongful death attorneys who work faster for you. When we take on your Connecticut wrongful death case, we help you get the compensation you and your family deserve without dragging our feet.

We fight aggressively and fast for the compensation that is owed to you. Call 1-888-WIN-FAST to find out the first step today.

When to Contact a Personal Injury Law Firm?

Every state has its own statute of limitations. The best time to contact a law firm is as soon as you can. The statute of limitations for filing starts the day the incident took place. If time runs out, you are at risk of missing out on your compensation. We know that money cannot bring your loved one back to you. But we believe that your future should be secure and that you deserve closure.

If you are a victim of an accident that resulted in a loss of your loved one, you need a compassionate attorney that will work quickly to help you through your difficult time. We are fast; we don’t drag the case out for months. Contact us today at 888-WIN-FAST for a free, no-risk consultation and assessment of your case.

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