Whether you enjoy your job or not, you probably look forward to each payday. Your paychecks are essential for supporting you and your family financially. You most likely rely on fast and regular payment of your wages to pay for groceries, housing, and other necessary expenses.
Unfortunately, though, many workers aren’t aware of their rights when it comes to payment of wages and compensation. Some employers can take advantage of this. They may look for ways to pay their workers less than they are entitled to in an effort to cut costs and raise profits.
If you believe that your employer is withholding certain benefits that you deserve, it can be a daunting task to fight against them on your own. The idea of a lengthy legal battle is often exhausting, especially when you want to recover your fair pay faster.
Contact the workers’ rights attorneys at Gould Injury Law for a quick, free consultation today. Call 888-WIN-FAST to schedule a session. We can help you understand your legal rights and provide the advice and guidance you need to determine the appropriate course of action to get compensation fast.

Minimum Wage Laws in Connecticut
Many minimum wage earners across the state were happy on May 28, 2019, when Connecticut announced a series of changes regarding the minimum wage laws. These changes included a progressive schedule to raise it from $10.10 to $15.00 by 2025:
- $11.00 on October 1, 2019
- $12.00 on September 1, 2020
- $13.00 on August 1, 2021
- $14.00 on July 1, 2022
- $15.00 on June 1, 2023
However, there are some important exemptions to the minimum wage laws, some of which were also changed in 2019. Both employers and employees should know and understand them as follows:
- Under 18: Employees under the age of 18 (except for emancipated minors) can be paid 85 percent of the minimum wage during their “training period.” This used to be the first 200 hours of employment but was changed to the first 90 days. That means if the minimum wage is $13.00, minor employees can be paid $11.05 for the first 90 days of their employment. There is no longer a minimum wage exemption for learners and beginners over 18.
- Tip credits: Employees in the hotel and restaurant industry do not need to be paid the full minimum wage by their employer if the tips they receive make up for the difference in wage. The minimum wage for bartenders is $8.23, and $6.38 for all other hotel or restaurant staff. If the tips a worker receives are not enough to raise his or her wages to the state minimum, the employer must pay the difference in wages.
A consultation with one of Gould Injury Law’s lawyers can inform you of your legal rights so you can get help as fast as possible. Contact us today to learn how we can help.
Other Wage Regulations in Connecticut
It is important to know your rights in the workplace so you can make sure you receive what you are entitled to as an employee. If you have moved from a different state or country, you may notice that certain employment laws in Connecticut are different from what you are used to. It’s good practice to familiarize yourself with the local laws.
Frequency of pay
Employers in the State of Connecticut must pay their employees within 8 days of the end of the pay period. This can be either weekly or every 2 weeks, depending on the Labor Commissioner’s approval. If the regularly scheduled payday lands on a non-work day or a holiday, the payment must be provided the day before.
Termination/quit pay
If an employee is fired, the employer is required to pay all due wages by the end of the following business day. If the employee resigns, the employer must pay the due wages by the next regular payday. The same is true for employees who resign due to a strike.
Overtime pay
Overtime pay must be paid for any hours worked over 40 per week, at a rate of 1.5 times the employee’s regular pay. An employer must include certain information on the employee’s pay stub, including separate entries for gross pay, net pay, regular time, and overtime hours worked for the pay period.
Certain workers in specific groups or industries are exempt from overtime requirements according to Connecticut law or the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA):
- Taxi drivers
- Car salesmen
- Camp/resort workers
- Mechanics
- Agricultural workers
- Uniformed police officers
Wage deductions
In Connecticut, employers can deduct wages for an employee’s uniforms, tools, equipment, or similar items. However, the Connecticut Department of Labor requires employers to submit a form with the employee’s signed consent before making these deductions.
Mandatory breaks
While there are no federal laws making it mandatory for an employer to offer a break period, Connecticut has certain regulations in place. If an employee works a shift of 7.5 or more consecutive hours, he or she must be provided a minimum 30-minute meal break. This break must be taken after the first 2 hours of the shift and before the last 2 hours of the shift.
Some employment regulations apply to certain industries or have certain exemptions, so a consultation with a local Connecticut employment lawyer can help you get the legal advice you need as fast as possible.
Connecticut Workers’ Right Attorneys
At Gould Injury Law, we want to make sure your legal rights at work are protected and you recover your due wages fast. When a person doesn’t know the laws surrounding his or her employment, or the benefits he or she is entitled to receive, it is easier for an employer to take advantage of that person.
We do not want that to happen to you. Our lawyers know local Connecticut employment laws and regulations inside and out. What’s more, we are always ready to do whatever is necessary to fight on your behalf so you can receive compensation faster.
Call the team at Gould Injury Law at 888-WIN-FAST today for a free consultation. We can get you the help you need as fast as possible.